With forbearance plans coming to an end, many are concerned the housing market will experience a wave of foreclosures...
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Mortgage rates are one of several factors that impact how much you can afford if you’re buying a home. When rates are...
With mortgage rates climbing above 3% for the first time in months, serious buyers are more motivated than ever to...
Rents have increased significantly this year. The latest National Rent Report from Apartmentlist.com shows rents are...
Some Highlights Applying for a mortgage is a big step towards homeownership, but it doesn’t need to be one you fear....
The biggest challenge in real estate today is the lack of available homes for sale. The low housing supply has caused...
The rise in remote work is changing what many Americans want in their homes. Many companies are choosing to delay...
There’s a lot of talk lately about how challenging it can be to find a home to buy. While housing inventory is still...
Buyers in today’s market often have questions about the importance of getting a home appraisal and an inspection....
Some Highlights If you’re a homeowner, today’s rising equity is great news. On average, homeowners have gained...
It’s impossible to research the subject of buying a home without coming across a headline declaring that the fall in...
While today’s supply of homes for sale is still low, the number of newly built homes is increasing. If you’re ready to...
If you’re looking to buy or sell a house, chances are you’ve heard talk about today’s rising home prices. And while...
Sellers have a great opportunity this season as buyer demand still heavily outweighs the current supply of homes for...
Some Highlights The best advice carries across multiple areas of life. When it comes to homebuying, a few simple...
As you follow the news, you’re likely seeing headlines discussing what’s going on in today’s housing market. Chances...
The last 18 months changed what many buyers are looking for in a home. Recently, the American Institute of Architects...
Today’s housing market is truly one for the record books. Over the past year, we’ve seen the lowest mortgage rates in...
A recent survey from LendingTree.com found there are multiple reasons why Americans would choose to purchase a home...
Some Highlights Today’s strong sellers’ market is the direct result of high demand and low supply. Low mortgage...
The financial benefits of buying a home versus renting one are always up for debate. However, one element of the...
There’s a well-known economic theory – the law of supply and demand – that explains what’s happening with prices in...
Every Thursday, Freddie Mac releases the results of their Primary Mortgage Market Survey which reveals the most recent...
Even in a hot sellers’ market like today’s in which homes are selling so quickly, it’s still important to make a good...
Some Highlights When deciding whether you should rent or buy, make sure you’re considering these factors. Buying a...
Homeownership is still a crucial part of the American dream. For those people who own a home (and those looking to buy...
If you’re looking to maximize your sale and minimize your effort, you need to work with a real estate professional. In...
Are you looking to buy a home? If so, we’ve got good news for you. While there’s no denying the housing market is...
In today’s real estate market, buyers shouldn’t shop for a home with the expectation they’ll be able to negotiate a...
Some Highlights Due to low supply and high demand, today is one of the strongest sellers’ markets we’ve seen....
If you’re a renter with a desire to become a homeowner, or a homeowner who’s decided your current house no longer fits...
There’s a common misconception that, as a homebuyer, you need to come up with 20% of the total sale price for your down...
A lot has changed over the past year. For many people, the rise in remote work influenced what they’re looking for in a...
If you’ve been in your home for longer than five years, you’re not alone. According to recent data from First American,...
Some Highlights Whether you’re buying or selling – today’s housing market has plenty of good news to go around. Buyers...
An important metric in today’s residential real estate market is the number of homes available for sale. The shortage...
In today’s sellers’ market, standing out as a buyer is critical. Multi-offer scenarios and bidding wars are the norm...
When it comes to the latest news in real estate, there are a lot of sensational headlines in the media. In times like...